Hey everyone --
Im not sure if I've lost all our visitors to this blog or not, but if you still check it -- I've decided to move the blog to our picture home, Shutterfly.
I have been updating pictures on there & while you all have been able to link to it, it just makes sense to blog there since the site allows me to do so. So rather than you all clicking around to find everything Logan, I decided to just make that the true one-stop shop.
So from there on out, i'll be updating that instead of this. I urge all of you to visit that page from here on out!
Here's the new site:
yes, its password protected because we wanna keep all the weirdos out. Its a site just for our closest friends & family!
So if you need the password to the site, please email me at PJLogan23@gmail.com or text me & i'll give you the password.
Thanks everyone for visiting this blog over these past few years. We hope you'll all enjoy the shutterfly site more!
Pat, Mel & Ethan
Moving the blog
Wednesday, November 11, 2009Posted by Patterz at 6:00 PM 0 comments
A milestone...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The other day Ethan & I were at Target & we were getting some stuff that we needed. But usually, after we get the list full of stuff, we just wander around the store & check stuff out.
Of course, E is getting to be the age that he's liking toys & has a few that are his staples. Well I realized that he has played with cars before, but doesn't have any of his own -- aside from the big pull-back cars & some "Cars" wanna be Tonka Trucks.
What you see above is Ethan's first ever Matchbox car. I used to play with Matchbox cars non-stop. Everywhere I went, I had to have some cars with me. Well, that is rubbing off on him. He takes this car everywhere. If somehow it gets left behind, he gets really excited when he finds it or we give it to him.
Of course, I had to get him a GOOD Matchbox car. So this is a Range Rover. Hey, I'm trying to start this kid off right.
To Be Continued...
Posted by Patterz at 10:30 PM 0 comments
Its been a while....
Wednesday, September 16, 2009I'm in Detroit for some training for work this week & its the longest I've been away from Ethan. I've been here once before, but it was before he was here & I must admit -- I miss the li'l guy.
I've talked to Mel a few times & she has let me hear him on the phone & I've been looking at pictures on my phone a lot, but I miss them both!! I don't know that I could be a heavy traveler for work. I suppose I would get used to it eventually, but I feel like I'm missing stuff.
I've been away for a weekend before, & he looked WAAAYYYY different when I came back from that, so who knows what'll happen when I get back from training.
Oh well, I only have until Friday before I get to see them again, but I totally miss them.
Mel & E, if you are reading this -- I love you both lots & I'll be home soon!
Posted by Patterz at 5:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009I remember pretty vividly the day of 9/11. I woke up to find that I
left my TV on from the night before. The first image I saw was the
towers with smoke billowing out from the side. I remember thinking to
myself, "What movie is this & why is it on in the morning?"
Then I realized that it was live coverage of the events from earlier
that morning. I was stunned & didn't realize the magnitude of it. I
showered, dressed & made it to my TCOM law class to find the same
coverage. We watched for the entire duration of class & still
couldn't wrap our heads around the goings on.
I never knew we'd never be the same & while I don't think back on it
as often, I still do on this day. I am thankful for the brave men &
women who helped that day & who help on a daily basis all those in
Patrick Logan
Posted by Patterz at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Ethan enjoying Labor Day!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009Here's Ethan checking out the spread with Aunt Lindsey!
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Posted by Patterz at 11:17 PM 0 comments
Greetings from Chicago!!
Saturday, September 05, 2009Mel & I are in Chicago for our good friend, Jacob's, wedding! It pretty cool that all of our friends are getting married now. First Graham & Julie got married earlier this year & now Jake & Liz.
I met Jake at Ball State when Graham & I met up with another friend of ours to play some volleyball. Jake was there with some other guys & it turned out to be a low-key fraternity recruitment. We all had a lot of fun & long story short -- Jake is a great friend of mine & a very genuine, passionate guy. Jake wouldn't hesitate at all to help anyone in need & is quick to make anyone feel welcome & right at home.
Liz is a great girl & while I don't know her quite as well as I know Jake, I do know that they are great for each other & we definitely look forward to getting to know her better!
Congrats to you both on your wedding day. You both are amazing people & we can't wait to share in your special day!
To be continued.....
Posted by Patterz at 11:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009This is short, but funny. Ethan's not quite to this point yet, but we're working on it!
To Be Continued...
Posted by Patterz at 11:04 PM 1 comments
I love this kinda stuff
Sunday, August 09, 2009So as you all know Im a pretty big fan of Youtube & other viral videos. Take a look at this one & try to convince me its not awesome.
To be continued...
Posted by Patterz at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Walking soon?
Thursday, July 23, 2009Mel, E & I met up a lot of Mel's family tonight for dinner. Today is Mel's aunt's birthday & we all gather for dinner at Arni's. We had a great meal, good conversation, you name it.
Interestingly enough, before we left -- I was walking with Ethan. He was walking between my legs with his arms up so that I could help guide him. This is a big deal because before, he never really had the desire to even try it. He would get jello legs each time we attempted it, so we have really not done it for some time.
Well tonight before we left we were doing it & he pretty much walked across our living room to Mel standing in the kitchen! Obviously we were super-stoked. Then after we ate & everyone was engaging in post-dinner conversation, I grabbed E out of his chair & wanted to see if he would want to try walking again. He certainly did!!! He, again with my escort, walked all the way across the dining room we were in at the restaurant!
Hard to believe how big our li'l guy is getting. While we're excited for him to start walking, I know once he does -- all bets are off. We'll really need to be on our toes then!
I'll see if we have a pic of some sort so I can post on here & stay tuned for Ethan's REAL first steps!
To be continued...
Posted by Patterz at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Weekend Review: July 4th Weekend
Monday, July 06, 2009This past weekend was jam-packed with excitement. Allow me to reminisce...
Friday - Left work a little before 5pm & got home to meet Mel. She & Ethan went to a friends house to swim! After their good time, we went to Stone Creek to eat dinner. This place is a fav of ours & while we dont eat there often, each time we do -- we always say, "We need to eat there more often!" Everything is great & for those of you who were in attendance at our rehearsal dinner -- same place! We got home around 11-ish & hit the hay.
Saturday - We got up & I met Lindsey's fiance, Bryan at Hickory Stick Golf Course here in Greenwood. We started off the first seven or so holes without a glitch. While I wasnt hitting well, I thought -- Just to be out playing is awesome. Then it started to sprinkle on & off for a couple holes. We hit the turn, grabbed a quick coney dog & some beer then headed for the back nine. We got through the first hole on the back nine before the rain became a steady shower. From then on out -- it was raining. We probably should've just threw in the towel, but we stuck it out! It was good times.... he got the best of me. He shot a 90 & I shot a 96. Pretty good for my second outing of the year. After we finished we met up with the ladies & E for lunch then we headed home.
Shortly thereafter, we headed up to G's place for a cookout, indoor cornhole, some beersbee, & good times. We hung out there for a few hours & once our good friends Chris & Steph arrived (they had just got back to town from a cruise where Cobber PROPOSED!!!! Those two crazy kids are now engaged....CONGRATS!!!) we then headed to G's Uncle Joe's place to take in some more good times & fireworks. Thanks Uncle Joe for the hospitality! E fell asleep & while he did his best to sleep through some military-grade fireworks from the neighbors, we headed for home.
Sunday - We woke up & it was kinda a lazy day for the first half. E & I laid on the couch to watch the marathon Federer/Roddick tennis match. After that ended we headed up to see Mel's uncles new place (which by the way is breathtaking) We spent the day on the lake & touring the new place. We putted over to Puccini's for a great dinner then headed back to Kevin's lot. Yet another drive back home from the north side. Another day well-spent!
This weekend really made me realize what great friends & family we have. We are ever so thankful for the wonderful people in our lives. Its never a dull moment & its always special to get together whenever possible. You guys are all great!
Now back to reality -- the work week is upon us.
To be continued...
Posted by Patterz at 6:31 PM 0 comments
Posted by Patterz at 4:18 PM 0 comments
We'll miss you, Michael.
Thursday, June 25, 2009Rest in peace, Michael Jackson. Your legend & music will live on forever.
Posted by Patterz at 9:56 PM 0 comments
By the way...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009For all those who like to keep track of our photos: I apologize that I have not updated them lately, but GOOD NEWS!!!
We got a new photo page up & running! It has all the latest photos of Ethan & lotsa other cool stuff.
- Check up on all the newest pix
- Order pix from there & have them mailed or pick 'em up at Target!
- Link straight to this blog from there!
- View latest VIDEOS of li'l Ethan. (might I recommend the "laughing" one)
- Links to Pats Facebook & Twitter.
So yeah, pretty cool site. Please check it out & let us know what you think!
To Be Continued...
Posted by Patterz at 11:00 PM 0 comments
**Breaking News**
Its hot outside. I sweat just opening the front door. Ew.
To Be Continued...
Posted by Patterz at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Funny Story...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I guess it was just under 2 months ago that these pix were taken. Here's the explanation:
I went to my local Sports Clips (as I always do) for a routine haircut. I went about a week before Graham's wedding because I didnt want to have the "fresh hair cut look" that I always have when I get my hair cut. Plus, to be safe, I figured any mishaps would grow out by then.
I went in, met this nice girl who was going to cut my hair. We talked while she told me about my "clean equipment pack" & she tried to get me to buy into the MVP cut. I explained my routine cut (3 guard on back & sides & fade it up to a bed-head, messy top). She snapped on the guard & started trimming.
Literally 30 seconds into it, the clippers start acting up & she has to stop to basically disassemble them. She walked away to get a screwdriver & did some tweaking on them then fired them back up & they sounded great. She went to work on my neckline -- starting from the bottom behind my right ear & trimmed up about 2 inches. She pulled the trimmer away & uttered the word you LEAST want to hear during a haircut...."OOPS"
She followed that with, "I forgot to put the guard back one -- but I can fix it!" What she had to fix was a 2 inch swipe of a clipper with NO, 0, ZERO, guard on it. So it was basically a bald stripe up my head. She said of course, itd be a summer cut but she could salvage as much as possible. The end result is what you see above.
Long story short - she finished, yes I paid for it, but didn't tip her. I left angry & called Mel right away.
The reason I am posting this TODAY is because today is the first haircut I've had since this incident. Like I said, almost 2 MONTHS between cuts.
I know it happens to everyone sometime in their life & the difference between a bad haircut & a good haircut is about a week (or in my case 7 weeks) but I couldn't believe what I saw when I saw the above pix. Luckily I can laugh about it now.
PS - I am happy with today's haircut.
To Be Continued...
Posted by Patterz at 10:46 PM 0 comments
ahem, anyone there?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009Hey, yeah, so I have strung a couple entries together as of late & actually added a follower widget on the right hand side of the page....interestingly enough, either no one has seen it, bothered to utilize it, or just no one visits anymore. I suppose I could take the blame on that since I pretty much let this fall by the wayside.
However, if you all "follow" me on here, then I'll definitely try to hold my end of the bargain to keep some new material on here.
ALSO -- our MobileMe subscription is about up & its what we used to host our pictures (that I havent updated in ages, again...sorry bout that)
So instead of paying $99/yr Im wondering if anyone out there has any good photo hosting sites that I should look into. I think Snapfish is where I'm leaning, but not sold yet.
What do you use & how do you like it?
Posted by Patterz at 10:25 PM 1 comments
Where is June going?
Sunday, June 14, 2009Im curious, does anyone else feel that this year is flying by? June in particular?
Its already June 14th & I've barely got my bearings on 2009. So far this year we've celebrated my best friends wedding, Ethan's 1st birthday, & our 4th wedding anniversary among lots of other things! We have about 5 more weddings, 3 of which I'm between now & October & our weekends are chock full until then!
Dont get me wrong, its good to be busy -- but cant a brother play some golf or go see a movie? sheesh.
To be continued....
Posted by Patterz at 10:09 PM 0 comments
Im back...
Thursday, June 11, 2009Hey everyone
I apologize if you have checked the blog in the last, oh say, 2 months. You've wondered whats up with us, & when you come to check -- you come up empty-handed cuz I've not done my job.
Well here we go again --- Today was our 4th anniversary. Weird to think that we got married 4 yrs ago today. Time flies when your having fun & flies faster when you have a 1 yr old!.
Speaking of the li'l guy, we installed his new car seat today. Its really weird because now he faces forward in the car & I can look in the mirror now to see him sitting there. I think he is REALLY weirded out because there is so much he can see.
He's a little skinny-minny in the seat now. In his other seat, he was kinda out-growing it. This one is a bit bigger & he looks tiny again. Our little man is growing up so fast & his new seat has made us aware of that notion again!
I'll try to post a pic asap.
To be continued...
Posted by Patterz at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Tiger who?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009I know, its been a hot minute since I've updated -- but I came across this video & couldn't help it.
This is a shot from today's par 3 round before the Masters. Not sure who the first guy is, but the 2nd guy is Vijay Singh. The video is unclear, but you still get a good look at just what happens.
Singh hits the ball & skips it across the water to the green....moments later, the camera zooms to the ball to show it dropping in the hole.
Dude hit a hole-in-one OFF WATER.
Check it.
Posted by Patterz at 6:42 PM 0 comments
Warm weather -- here we come!
Monday, March 09, 2009So this past weekend was the best weather we've had in a long time. We have been able to get Ethan outside without cocooning him up in his car seat. Let me tell you, its REALLY nice to be able to lay him & snap him in & go. When its so cold you have to make sure he's bundled, blanketed, then covered with the car seat cover.
Ethan really got a kick out of it too -- we had pretty strong winds so when we were walking into stores & running errands, he was able to feel the wind against his face. He was able to breath it in & at points it almost seemed to take his breath away because he was SOO excited!
Ethan is such a little boy now & its neat to see him experience things for the first time being able to sense whats going on. When he was a baby he didn't know anything different. But now, he knows he's feeling the wind against his face. He knows that his dad is goofy, he knows his mom is his safety. He's learned all these things on his own & its extremely rewarding to see him grow up.
We love you Ethan!
Posted by Patterz at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Golf Anyone?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009So the weather today was pretty nice -- prolly mid 40s & compared to what we've had recently, thats a breath of fresh air. I cannot wait for this weather to stick around. It really makes it hard to get up & go when its cold out.
I'm really wanting to get out & hit the links this summer. Ive got the new clubs & cant wait to get out! I say that every year around this time & it usually never comes to fruition. But this summer I should be able to since I'll get out of work at a decent time to possibly play some twilight rates! Maybe make some tee times & really get my game together.
Also too -- E will be the age where we can really get outside & have fun. I see lots of zoo trips in our future & maybe even trips to friends pools??? haha hopefully.
What about you all -- how do you like to spend the warm weather days?
Posted by Patterz at 9:30 PM 0 comments
January 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hey all --
Quick note to let you all know that Ethan's picture page is updated with January 2009 pix. I know, I know, its mid February & I'm just now getting around to posting January pix but better late than never, right?
Above is one of our favs that shows just how big Ethan's first snow storm was!
Hope you all enjoy!
Posted by Patterz at 10:09 PM 2 comments
A new week
Sunday, February 15, 2009I really feel like work has been uber crazy. Lots of meetings, trainings, running around, deadlines, etc. Theres not enough time in the day as I stated in the last post.
This is week is a new week & I'm going in with a full head of steam!
On another note, I would like to hear from you guys! I don't get many comments...which is okay, but its nice to hear from everyone who visits.
I've completely dropped the ball with Ethan's pix site. I have yet to put January 2009 pix out & I'm sorry! I'll get those done & posted this week.
Hope everyone had a great weekend & enjoy this week!
To be continued...
Posted by Patterz at 11:52 PM 0 comments
To Do Lists.....
Tuesday, February 10, 2009Does anyone know of a way to get an extra couple hours out of a day? I think I'm busier now than I have ever been & while I think its a pretty good thing, its alarming.
My time management skills are being put to the test & I really feel like I need to step back to assess this situation.
Between reports, meetings, approval of time, keeping the staff on task, & trying to do it all BETTER than the day before, it really stresses one out!
Don't get me wrong, I love what I do -- but it'll help when I get it all figured out & it runs smoothly!
Hows work for you??
Posted by Patterz at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Stay classy, Greenwood Park Mall Starbucks.
Monday, February 09, 2009I don't claim to be a connoisseur of coffee. But I'm not beyond mixing it up at Starbucks every now & again. I know what venti, nonfat, macchiato means.
But this morning, I was waiting for my grande Espresso Truffle (horrible for me, I know) & another customer came in & not to be rude, but he didn't really look like he had ever been in a Starbucks before. Which is no big deal...but what he said & the whole interaction, made me laugh.
He walked up to the barista -- he browsed the menu & settled on the most familiar thing...
Customer - "I'll have a Java Chippy frappa-thingy"
Barista - "Java Chip Frappuchino? What size?"
C - "Does that have the chocolate chips in it?"
B - "Yes sir, what size would you like?"
C - "abruptly, "the middle one, medium I guess? Thats kinda like a hot chocolate?"
B - "well, sorda....we do have regular hot chocolate"
C- "does it have chocolate chips in it? nah nah, I'll stay with the Java thing."
B - "ok, a grande Java Chip Frappuchino?"
C - "whoa whoa, grande?! I said medium"
B - "grande is medium, sir. Here's the cup."
C - "that'll be fine, I'll do that."
I took my cup, grinned, & headed on my way.
Posted by Patterz at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Today was different...
Monday, January 26, 2009So today, as I was running late for work, I said my goodbyes to Mel & Ethan. Sometimes I do it vocally (if they're awake) but usually its a kiss on each head, then out the door. Today was different.
Li'l guy was up & he was on the couch with Mel. I said goodbye, gave a peck to each of them & as I raised up to walk away I saw E reach up to my face with both hands.
Its not new for him to reach for me or Mel, but this time it seemed as if he was saying, "No dad, don't go to work today." His newly-awaken face had yet to take shape & his eyes were still tired.
It got me thinking on the way in to work that soon he'll be able to SAY, "Daddy don't go to work!". They grow so fast!
Love you, buddy...I'll be home soon.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Posted by Patterz at 11:11 AM 1 comments
Obama's Ride
Wednesday, January 21, 2009Yeah, yeah -- congrats to the new President Barack Obama....did anyone catch the images of his ride? That thing is crazy. At first glance, it looks like a standard Cadillac Limo with beefy tires. I urge EVERYONE to hit the link & please scope out the gallery.
1. one of the pix shows the back half of the car with a Secret Service Agent walking along side -- notice how tall the car is in relation to the Agent. (Apparently this car is as tall as a GMC Yukon SUV)
2. look at the pic of Obama getting into the car. Another shot of "holy crap, thats a big vehicle" as well as look how thick the door is....
3. lastly, not a pic of it -- but apparently the car has its own air ventilation system to protect the riders from a chemical attack.
Just check it out.
Presidential TANK
**Big up to Autoblog for the gallery**
Posted by Patterz at 9:56 PM 0 comments
December 2008 Pix AVAILABLE
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Weird eh?....2 posts in one day? Yup, thats how I roll. Anyways, just wanted to let everyone know that Ethan's pix have been updated & December 2008 are now available for your viewing pleasure.
Its really neat to see our baby grow up. He is such a little boy now & while we cannot wait for him to get big, we're already sad that he's as big as he is & no longer a "baby". Seems like just yesterday that he fit on our chests while he slept & that we were the only things he paid attention to. Now he is pushing up to see around the room, not wanting to miss a second of the action. He is noticing that he can grab things, leaning in determination to grab & explore. He's even giving mom & dad "high 5s" now! His bath time is becoming BATH TIME as he splashes in the water & plays with his tub toys.
Our friends who have been new parents have always told us, you can't understand the joy of these little moments until you have them yourselves.
We couldn't agree more.
We love you buddy!
Posted by Patterz at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Happy New Year!!
After logging in, I see that this is my 100th post! Pretty cool! Thanks to everyone who visits. Hope you keep coming back often!
I have to tell you about this. If you don't know who motocross rider Robbie Maddison is, then you need to find out. On New Years Eve, Red Bull & EXPN (yes, EXPN - its ESPNs extreme sports side) helped him set a world record by jumping his motorcycle onto the top of the replica Arc de Triomphe in Las Vegas. I'll be honest, I didn't watch this event live, but DVR'd it. I went back & watched it the other night & let me tell you -- you have to see this.
Not only did he jump it ON TO the Arc, but he also came down. After leaving the ramp he soared 96+ feet up to land on top, then fell 5 stories to his ramp to coast down.
After watching this I found out that last year he did a different jump. He jumped a record 322+ feet OVER the length of a football field. WOW.
This dude is nuts & if you missed it -- here it is:
Posted by Patterz at 12:18 PM 0 comments