Its been a while....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm in Detroit for some training for work this week & its the longest I've been away from Ethan. I've been here once before, but it was before he was here & I must admit -- I miss the li'l guy.

I've talked to Mel a few times & she has let me hear him on the phone & I've been looking at pictures on my phone a lot, but I miss them both!! I don't know that I could be a heavy traveler for work. I suppose I would get used to it eventually, but I feel like I'm missing stuff.

I've been away for a weekend before, & he looked WAAAYYYY different when I came back from that, so who knows what'll happen when I get back from training.

Oh well, I only have until Friday before I get to see them again, but I totally miss them.

Mel & E, if you are reading this -- I love you both lots & I'll be home soon!