Warm weather -- here we come!

Monday, March 09, 2009

So this past weekend was the best weather we've had in a long time. We have been able to get Ethan outside without cocooning him up in his car seat. Let me tell you, its REALLY nice to be able to lay him & snap him in & go. When its so cold you have to make sure he's bundled, blanketed, then covered with the car seat cover.

Ethan really got a kick out of it too -- we had pretty strong winds so when we were walking into stores & running errands, he was able to feel the wind against his face. He was able to breath it in & at points it almost seemed to take his breath away because he was SOO excited!

Ethan is such a little boy now & its neat to see him experience things for the first time being able to sense whats going on. When he was a baby he didn't know anything different. But now, he knows he's feeling the wind against his face. He knows that his dad is goofy, he knows his mom is his safety. He's learned all these things on his own & its extremely rewarding to see him grow up.

We love you Ethan!