Funny Story...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I guess it was just under 2 months ago that these pix were taken. Here's the explanation:

I went to my local Sports Clips (as I always do) for a routine haircut. I went about a week before Graham's wedding because I didnt want to have the "fresh hair cut look" that I always have when I get my hair cut. Plus, to be safe, I figured any mishaps would grow out by then.

I went in, met this nice girl who was going to cut my hair. We talked while she told me about my "clean equipment pack" & she tried to get me to buy into the MVP cut. I explained my routine cut (3 guard on back & sides & fade it up to a bed-head, messy top). She snapped on the guard & started trimming.

Literally 30 seconds into it, the clippers start acting up & she has to stop to basically disassemble them. She walked away to get a screwdriver & did some tweaking on them then fired them back up & they sounded great. She went to work on my neckline -- starting from the bottom behind my right ear & trimmed up about 2 inches. She pulled the trimmer away & uttered the word you LEAST want to hear during a haircut...."OOPS"

She followed that with, "I forgot to put the guard back one -- but I can fix it!" What she had to fix was a 2 inch swipe of a clipper with NO, 0, ZERO, guard on it. So it was basically a bald stripe up my head. She said of course, itd be a summer cut but she could salvage as much as possible. The end result is what you see above.

Long story short - she finished, yes I paid for it, but didn't tip her. I left angry & called Mel right away.

The reason I am posting this TODAY is because today is the first haircut I've had since this incident. Like I said, almost 2 MONTHS between cuts.

I know it happens to everyone sometime in their life & the difference between a bad haircut & a good haircut is about a week (or in my case 7 weeks) but I couldn't believe what I saw when I saw the above pix. Luckily I can laugh about it now.

PS - I am happy with today's haircut.

To Be Continued...