
Thursday, November 30, 2006

You probably dont need me to remind you that the shopping season has begun and it is in FULL FORCE. Working retail, I believe that we "retailers" know this more so than most. Yesterday I worked from 7:15am - 10:30pm. Luckily, I did manage to squeeze in my hour lunch.
Its mind-boggling to see how people just keep coming and coming. Don't get me wrong, being in sales and such - being busy is the best "problem" to have. But there is also something to be said about having some down time just to catch your breath and catch up on stuff.

Of course, this is brutal on personal life. I feel like sometimes I have to re-introduce myself to Mel almost daily! Usually getting home that late allows me just enough time to check email, news stories from the day, and other goings-on that I have missed since being cut off from civilization for 12-15 hrs.

I know I have brought this on myself and made the choice to work this job and I should just suck it up, because I knew what I was getting into. And I do realize all that, but it feels like it gets crazier and crazier every year. I'll just keep on keepin' on and make it through.

Thanks for listening to me vent -- sometimes I just gotta get that stuff out! Now, Im off to work!


cheever said...

I am so glad I'm not in retail anymore. Not that my hours are any better now, but I agree with you though, it's not the job that sucks, it's the people, I couldn't stand it!

Hope your doing well, Madden is calling us!
