Movie Recommendation

Monday, August 06, 2007

I like to think of myself as somewhat of a movie buff. I dont mean that I look for the plot to be intriguing, or the writing to be stunning, or the cinematography to be dashing. I mean, I love to watch movies. I dont in any way, shape, or form feel that I am a good critic of movies because I'm actually a fan of some of the popcorn type flicks. You know the type, they have no point, theyre pretty stupid but either hilarious or stars someone that you just have to watch. For instance, Dumb & Dumber. Stupid movie, but gosh, I LOVE that movie.

My point is -- I think I want to start a little weekly (hopefully) Movie Recommendation part to my blog. Again, I dont claim to be the "all-knowing movie god," but for anyone who cares, I'll put up a movie that I've seen & recommend & tell a little bit about it. I think it would be neat too, to get either conflicting thoughts about what I've put about a movie or thoughts from people who are in agreeance with me. This will also give me a reason to post more often & maybe even become FUN to read.

So without further ado, my first Movie Recommendation!

Today, I went with Mel's cousin, Brian to see The Bourne Ultimatum. Allow me to preface this with the notion that I thoroughly enjoy all of the Bourne movies, but I think this one might be my favorite. This 3rd installment brings Jason Bourne back to the U.S. (see the first two if you dont know what I mean) to get to the bottom of who he is & why.

These movies are kinda "Bond"ish, in that man vs the world sort of way. The coolest thing about these though are that Bourne doesn't have a bunch of cool gadgets to help him out....his cool gadgets are his hands & driving skills. "Ultimatum" has a ton of action. The fight scenes are friggin' awesome & as in all of the Bourne movies, the driving sequences are pretty tight too. Its about 2 hrs long & theres enough going on that you dont get bored with it but not so much that you're confused or trying to catch up.

I thought the coolest idea in this movie was the implementation of the CIA. This movie shows off alot of cool things they have the capability of doing. Basically, if they want information about someone -- they can get it. Kinda scary, especially if this is even CLOSE to what they have access to. Nothing in this movie seems far-fetched either. Just about everything that happens you'd think could happen in real life, I think with the exception of 1 or 2 parts of the chase scene. If you're the type that thinks the government is spying on us or has motives of some sort, some of the stuff in this movie will probably help support your theory.

I went to see this movie because I usually have to watch all movies that are sequals, prequals, or trilogys. BUT, these movies are so dang cool, how can you NOT want to go see it? Matt Damon is a pretty good actor in my estimation & does yet another good job in "Ultimatum." So, everyone go see this movie, I dont think you'll be disappointed.

Until next time!


cheever said...

good idea on the movie recommendations. I will definitely be seeing this movie! I have loved the last two Bourne's so I'm sure I will like this one.