Movie Recommendation

Friday, August 24, 2007

Welp, I'm already off to a bad start with this WEEKLY submission of my blog. But I did watch a movie that was worthy of a dishing on: The Pursuit of Happyness.

I liked this movie, but I wasn't really wowed by it like I thought I was gonna be. I mean, I'm a Will Smith fan. I like alot of movies he's in & the premise of this movie was pretty interesting, but I dunno -- I guess I was just okay with it at the end. It was obvious where it was going & I found myself waiting for the ending to come.

This story is based on true events of a man who is pretty much down in the dumps financially & has his son to take care of after his wife leaves them. He's doing his best to make ends meet when he decides to take an unpaid internship with a big insurance firm. Its pretty stunning the lengths he goes through to make sure he balances his life with his work.

Overall its a good movie, one that I don't necessarily think you just HAVE to watch, but a pretty good movie to rent to say you saw it. So go out & check it out.

Until next time!