Its been a while....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I'm in Detroit for some training for work this week & its the longest I've been away from Ethan. I've been here once before, but it was before he was here & I must admit -- I miss the li'l guy.

I've talked to Mel a few times & she has let me hear him on the phone & I've been looking at pictures on my phone a lot, but I miss them both!! I don't know that I could be a heavy traveler for work. I suppose I would get used to it eventually, but I feel like I'm missing stuff.

I've been away for a weekend before, & he looked WAAAYYYY different when I came back from that, so who knows what'll happen when I get back from training.

Oh well, I only have until Friday before I get to see them again, but I totally miss them.

Mel & E, if you are reading this -- I love you both lots & I'll be home soon!

I love him!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Friday, September 11, 2009

I remember pretty vividly the day of 9/11. I woke up to find that I
left my TV on from the night before. The first image I saw was the
towers with smoke billowing out from the side. I remember thinking to
myself, "What movie is this & why is it on in the morning?"

Then I realized that it was live coverage of the events from earlier
that morning. I was stunned & didn't realize the magnitude of it. I
showered, dressed & made it to my TCOM law class to find the same
coverage. We watched for the entire duration of class & still
couldn't wrap our heads around the goings on.

I never knew we'd never be the same & while I don't think back on it
as often, I still do on this day. I am thankful for the brave men &
women who helped that day & who help on a daily basis all those in

Patrick Logan

Ethan enjoying Labor Day!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Here's Ethan checking out the spread with Aunt Lindsey!

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Greetings from Chicago!!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Mel & I are in Chicago for our good friend, Jacob's, wedding! It pretty cool that all of our friends are getting married now. First Graham & Julie got married earlier this year & now Jake & Liz.

I met Jake at Ball State when Graham & I met up with another friend of ours to play some volleyball. Jake was there with some other guys & it turned out to be a low-key fraternity recruitment. We all had a lot of fun & long story short -- Jake is a great friend of mine & a very genuine, passionate guy. Jake wouldn't hesitate at all to help anyone in need & is quick to make anyone feel welcome & right at home.

Liz is a great girl & while I don't know her quite as well as I know Jake, I do know that they are great for each other & we definitely look forward to getting to know her better!

Congrats to you both on your wedding day. You both are amazing people & we can't wait to share in your special day!

To be continued.....