Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

To all the fathers out there -- Happy Father's Day!

I don't know about most families, but I know in my family my parents really sacrificed alot for my brothers & me. I know that my dad had other things that he would rather be doing instead of coaching years upon years of Little League, going to basketball games, & dozens of marching band contests. He did all that because we wanted to. I know that he got us involved in activities that would allow us to grow into great men. But my dad was always unselfish & always put his family first. Working to support us as kids, then as we grew into young men in high school, then as we went off to college -- I know it was special for my dad to see us do all these things. Never once did he let his own personal feelings come into play. Even to this day, he wants to make sure that my Mom is taken care of before himself. A true gentleman.

Our parents played a huge role in how Rob, Randy & I turned out. The connection between father & son is undeniable just as mother & child. Boys always have special connections with their fathers & I never realized the extent of this until we recieved our wedding video back from the videographer & my dad said into the camera, "Pat, you're my best friend."

The first time I saw it, I teared up & thought -- "Wow, I'm my dad's best friend???" I guess I never realized it & now that they live out-of-state, its kind of sad to think back at all of the great times we had when we were younger & how its harder to get together now that we're all adults.

I love my dad so much & while day-to-day activities make it difficult to keep in touch all the time, he needs to know that.

Happy Father's Day