
Monday, May 14, 2007

This past weekend was a rather eye-opening one for me. Mainly because I hung out with my friends for most of the weekend due to a good friend's wedding. (Congrats guys -- although now when we yell, "Hey Cheever!", are you both going to look?)

Anyways -- my wake up call came when I found out that 2 of my other close friends are possibly moving away to pursue job/life opportunities in another city. Granted, Chicago isn't all that far away by any means, but its farther away than the north side where they are now.
I'll be the first to admit, I'm not always there to hang out as often as they get together, but its still nice knowing they're up there & able to hang out when the time is right.

Another bit of news I got is that my best friend is seeing someone he's very interested in & apparently all is well on that front. You go, G.

I guess the fact that I've known all these guys since college & we've all been pretty close since then, has given me a pretty secure feeling that they'd always be around. I'm pretty much in my ideal situation with my wife, job, house, location, etc. But, its kinda selfish of me to think that this "ideal situation" is ideal for everybody. When this weekend I found out that it may not be for them.

I completely respect them for following their heart & where they feel they should go & what they feel they should pursue. But, selfishly, its kinda unsettling to know they may move on & the rare times we spend together now could become even more rare in the near future.

Enough about that -- I've learned to let the chips fall where they may & let God do his work. Our job is to make the most of the time we have & let it ride.

Here's to fun times this summer.

Until next time!