Online Photo Galleries

Sunday, July 06, 2008

We recently created an online gallery so our friends & family can visit the page & check us out!  Keep in mind, when you hit that page -- its not messed up, it is SUPPOSED to ask you for user name & password.  We feel that there's no reason for any ol' schmo to randomly come across that site & have access to our photos.  We wanna keep stuff private, while still allowing our friends & family to keep up with us....mainly Ethan.

If you don't have the credentials to access the site, just get at me with an email & I can give you the information you need -- given you submit the required dissertation on why you should gain access to the photos, pass the background check, drug test, retinal scan & your fingerprints come back approved by a federal agency.  HAHA

So hit up the Online Photo Gallery link over in the links section of the blog & let us know what you think!!!

To Be Continued....