Thursday, February 22, 2007

Okay, so I just got over the stomach flu -- it began Monday night as I went to Circuit City in Castleton to help my boy John with his inventory counts. I had a full feeling - not really a stomach ache, but just felt full. However, about 20 minutes into the 40 minute drive I broke out into a cold sweat & really began to not feel well. I'm sure you'd all not really care to hear the details, but long story short: I hit the restroom a few times while I was at the store & right when I got home that night. I've been laid out since Monday night.

To make matters worse -- I was supposed to go to training for work this week in Detroit. I really thought I could pull through Tuesday. I was supposed to fly out Tuesday around 6:30 & be there for training...then fly back Friday afternoon. I actually got out of the shower & laid out my clothes that I was going to take with me. I had to cave in & call my District Manager to inform him that I just couldn't fly. It was really the training that had me worried, it was the being in another city, no one to contact in case something went wrong. Plus, I was highly contagious so it wouldn't have been good anyways.

I've never called in sick a day in my life that I can remember & it actually upset me to do that this week. I dunno, I guess it happens to everyone at some time in their life.

I am feeling better & returning to work tomorrow -- back to the grind after a long month of training.

PS - Sorry John, I didn't know what I had, let alone that I was contagious. Get well soon!

Happy Valentine's Day

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

On this Valentine's Day, a note to the Melsther:

Here we are again, another Valentine's Day celebrated together! Over the past few years, we've celebrated many holidays, birthdays, events in our lives together, but each & every one is more special than the previous. No matter what we do, as long as we're together, everyday is special.

I love how every moment we spend together is spent as best friends as well as husband & wife. I love how after we disagree, we end up laughing with (& sometimes AT) each other.
I love how you are the nicest, most genuine person I know.
I love how you have been so supportive of me in the things I do.
I love how you keep me level-headed.
I love how you make me a better person.
I love how you love me.

Here's to many more Valentine's Days together.
Love you always,

2007 World Champion Indianapolis Colts

Monday, February 05, 2007

Quite an interesting ring to it, don't you think? Unbelievable to me even now, the next day -- that the Colts are crowned the champions. Peyton got the monkey off his back: people telling him that he can't win the big one. One thing that I disagree with, but understand the thinking is that Dominic Rhodes & Joseph Addai should've been co-MVPs of the game. Peyton was great, yes, but the two RBs were the reason Chicago's defense was out of the game.

An awesome time, for sure -- now....if the Pacers could figure it out too.