Winter Mornings & Christmas Shopping

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Well, its official....winter mornings are in full effect (even though its not quite winter yet). Its pretty difficult to get out of bed in the mornings, especially when the house is as cold as ours is. You get all huddled under the covers the night before and do your best to get your body heat to heat the covers. Then you nod off into your slumber and before you know it, the alarm is going off. About 4-5 "snooze slaps" later, you have to flip open the covers and the cold air bites at your feet as you sprint to the the dark, NO LIGHT COMING THROUGH THE WINDOWS?!! Oh please, Spring, hurry it up and get here -- we need warm days.

Today I begin, yes shopping. I've really got no clue as to what to get anyone, even though I've been browsing ads and sales. I can't say that I've actually been SHOPPING, however when I'm out, I've been browsing. Time to quit the browsin' and get to shoppin'. Even Mel, I don't know what to get her. If anyone's got ideas, definitely toss 'em out there as I'm dreading this once again.

Off to the mall.....


Maya said...

You ever going to update this? Just kidding with you!